Anyone who pulls off looking stylish while raising four kids and running a business has our attention. Becki, better known as Whip from Whippy Cake, chatted with us this week about beauty tricks, self-confidence and the trick to getting out of your yoga pants. We found her blend of creativity and spunk just as perfect as her pixie cut. Read more about Becki’s refreshing take on motherhood.
You have such a great sense of style. Where does your style come from?
When I was little, my parents didn’t micromanage or nitpick what I wore. I had total freedom and liberty to create how I looked. It opened my mind to really figure out what I liked rather than just what other people thought was cool. Even today, if it makes me happy, I wear it regardless of what anyone thinks.
How do you carry that on with your kids?
My daughter wears a uniform to school so if we’re at home, she wears whatever. It’s amazing, she is very confident about what she likes. I’ll continue to coach her but I never want to be the voice telling her what she picks isn’t good enough. Kids need certain liberties to make decisions without worrying about other people’s approval.
How do you maintain your style while being a mom?
I have professional events that get me out of my yoga pants but I know for other moms it’s just not as easy. My advice is to find one or two things a week that you get ready for. Even if it’s just grocery shopping and church! Something happens mentally when you take care of the way you look on the outside. You just feel a little more uplifted and more pulled together on the inside too.
What has surprised you about motherhood?
That so many people feel they have an opinion about how you are raising your kids. I often feel the focus of parenting these days is so heavily on things like safety regulations or other rules. Does everyone have the right car seat?! The part about really enjoying your kids and teaching them to be upstanding people is often overlooked. It’s so important not to forget that those things give kids the most self-confidence.
What’s your favorite memory with your mother?
My mother enabled my creativity. Some of my earliest memories are her telling me how creative or talented I was, even if my projects were far less than perfect. That does a lot for a person. And it did a lot for my approach, now that I have my own kids.
My mom is as creative as it gets. She knows how to do everything in the craft world and I’m pretty sure she owns the entire Michael’s store inside her house. My favorite memories are being at my mother’s feet while she was at her sewing machine or painting. I don’t ever remember her saying. “Get out of my way.” She said, “Here’s something to do next to me or with me.” That’s pure love, how I see it.