Moments with Moms: Ainsley Anderson

Sharing motherhood through our Moments with Moms blog series has been a part of Mommy Mailbox since the beginning. As we celebrate our first year in business, we felt it was only fitting that we take a turn in the hot seat! Today, we turned the questions around and interviewed each other about the way we parent. Turns out that although we run a business together, we’re all raising our kids a bit differently! Read about how each of us are doing motherhood, and grab our December box here to get all our favorites this holiday season.

ainsley anderson
ainsley anderson
ainsley anderson

Tell us what you do for Mommy Mailbox.

First, I designed and developed our Mommy Mailbox website. On a daily basis I am managing box subscriptions, inventory, email subscribers, doing site updates and running the blog. I am also in charge of all photography -- I style and edit every single photo you see on Instagram (and up until 2 months ago I was running all our social media on a daily basis… thank goodness I have some help with that now!)  I also am the one responsible for creating all things visual such as logos, stickers, postcards, magazine ads, and marketing emails.

Running Mommy Mailbox is a lot of work but luckily I LOVE what I do.


Why did you decide to jump onboard this small business adventure?

Sarah was my close friend (and neighbor) from my prior life in California. She called me one day to catch up and told me all about her business idea. Later than night, I explained the concept of ‘‘Mommy Mailbox’” to my husband. It was probably a 5 minute conversation while I finished cooking dinner and that’s all it took. He was 150% on board and that really gave me the confidence to commit. My husband had just started a two year MBA program and I think he liked the idea of me having a ‘project’ since he’d be gone a lot.


What has it added to your life?

I love having an outlet to create and there is never a shortage of projects.  Creating a business from scratch and seeing it take off is the best feeling. I am really happy with how we’ve grown and I know part of its success is what I’ve brought to the table. I’ve learned so much this past year about running a business and I love the people I work with.

And of course, it has kept me plenty busy those nights my husband is on campus.


How has life changed for you (both better and harder) since becoming a mother?

I love my kids so much and I feel like I’m growing up with them. I’ve yet to have a perfect day of parenting but luckily kids forgive and forget. I’m in constant awe of a child’s love for their mother. To them my coloring is the best, my stories are the funniest, my tickles, my hugs ---- it’s all so beautiful in their little eyes.

Motherhood has been a journey for me. For a long time I tried to fit this ‘perfect mommy’ mold. Guess what?  Cloth diapers were too much work and organic milk tastes weird to me. I have experimented a lot and have weeded out the 'perfect mommy pressures' I used to feel.  I am running my family the way I want to.

So I may not bake homemade bread, like....ever.  But I do enjoy taking beautiful pictures of my kids & have been known to do some incredible things with legos.  I just can’t think of anything I’d rather give my children than a mother that knows who she is and loves herself.


What are you most looking forward to about future stages of parenting?

Part of me really doesn’t want my children to get any older. I love my small children and I’m very happy where I’m at. However, I do have dreams of throwing away the stroller and carseats and spending Saturday’s at the mall with my teenage daughter.


What makes you most nervous about being a mom?

All the things I know I still have to teach my children. How will I teach them to be independent? To be kind?  To work?  To  learn?  To give?  To love?  Shaping them into the person they’ll become is such a heavy load to bear.


What advice would you give to an expecting mother?

There is no shame in crawling into baby land and staying. I had both my babies in the winter-- so long days in the house & staying in my pj’s for days was my favorite part of the newborn phase.  Slow down and savor it while you can. 


What about a small business owner?

Give it everything you’ve got.  Running and owning a company takes a whole lot of blood, sweat, and tears. Be prepared for sleepless nights and your mind running constantly.  Being a small business owner will stretch you in ways you didn’t know you could be stretched, just set goals and don’t give up.  When catastrophes strike (and they might) move on and stay positive.  


You recently built a new house. Tell us about your style at home.

We have white walls and wood floors and I couldn’t love it more.  I prefer my home to be simple and classic with mixes of traditional and modern elements. My mantra in life is less is more and quality not quantity. That is reflected in my home. I save up, sell stuff and wait to buy what I will love for a long time.  When designing I stick to my favorite 3-4 stores and trust my gut.  My goal: a home that is cozy and comfortable.