Moments with Moms: Liz Larsen of Accessory Jane

Women-owned businesses are our jam, and jewelry is a close second so when we heard about Accessory Jane, we knew we had found a winning combo. Their stud earrings rounded out our December box and make a great gift too.

Today, Accessory Jane owner Liz chatted with us about running her business, raising her daughter and a certain sparkly accessory that goes with every outfit.

Liz Larsen
Liz Larsen
Liz Larsen
Liz Larsen

Tell us a little about you and about Accessory Jane.

Hi, I’m Liz. I’m a doer, a dreamer, and a risk taker. After my life took an unexpected turn, I realized that God had far bigger and better plans for my life than anything I could have ever imagined. I'm now passionate about sharing that truth & freedom with other women. That’s about when I started Accessory Jane alongside with my partner in crime, my mom. Together we manage our online fashion accessory boutique as well as run a fashion + lifestyle blog that features different ways to style our jewelry. We have been blown by the way God has taken a little dream of ours and turned it into something far bigger than we ever dreamed it to be. We love the opportunity that we have been given to use things like social media as a unique way to connect with women and share God’s love. 

You’ve been so open and honest about your story of becoming a single mom. What advice would you tell other single women out there who have recently taken a positive pregnancy test?

You are not alone. Don’t try to do this alone. My first advice would be to surround yourself with community, whether that’s family, friends, church, or an organization. I promise you there are people out there that want to walk this journey with you, and I can’t tell you difference that it makes to have other people to help you process through this time. Community is a beautiful and necessary thing! 

I love your Beauty is a Choice interview. What are you teaching your daughter about true beauty?

Great question and this had been an interesting one for me to think through. In short, I’ve been very intentional with her. It’s interesting though, because she sees her mommy get dressed up, take a handful of blog or Instagram pictures, pose in different positions and then edit them all the time. I’ve wondered how she might be processing all of this and if I was breeding in her an incorrect definition of beauty. But what I keep coming back to is it’s okay for girls to want to get all dressed up and look their best as long as they know that’s not where their identity or happiness lies. More often than not, she sees me in jeans and my favorite tee. She sees me just as happy, confident in myself, comfortable around my fiancé Danny whether I’m all dolled up or in my sweats. When it comes to dressing my daughter, there are times that I want her to be all dressed up, but there are also plenty of times, I’ve let me run to the store with me in her PJ’s or crazy dress up clothes. I think the most important thing for them to know and hear you say is that what’s in the heart matters way more than any outfit they could ever wear. 

Okay we can’t not talk about a certain new sparkly accessory on your left hand…..he made a slam dunk with that proposal and prearranged engagement party! What excites you most about being with Danny forever? What does marriage mean to you? 

He did so good, didn’t he?!? Oh my word, I was seriously blown away. I think I’ve already relived that day in my head about 100 times :) You know, what excites me most about being with Danny, and this is what instantly drew me to him, is it excites me to see how God has been and is moving in his life. It’s like I see these huge plans that God has for Danny’s life and it just gets me pumped up…and now I get a front row seat to watch what He does! 

Marriage to me means a life-long covenantal relationship. It’s a picture of Christ’s loving relationship with us. It’s an opportunity to do life with your best friend and love and serve them through all the ups and downs.

What do you think is the most lasting lesson you’ve learned from your experiences thus far – in business, in life and through God? 

We are limited. God is limitless. When we try to do things on our own, we fail. We spend so much time trying – trying to solve the problem or muscle our way out and we end up exhausted and defeated. But when we hand things over to God, he promises to always help. He will guide us to the right decision, equip us for the task or provide whatever resources we might be lacking. The verse I always go back to is Ephesians 3:20-21 "Now to him who is able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” God is able to do us much more than everything we could ever do. All we need to do is ask and trust. 

We think the best is yet to come for you, Liz! What are some of your goals/dreams for this upcoming year? 

Thank you!  My goal for this year is to live open handed. 2015 was such a great year that opened up a lot of new doors for us, and we couldn’t be more excited. We are doing lots and lots of praying about where God wants us, because it’s going to be a year of lots of transitions. Getting married, starting a new family, new home, and not to mention all these new doors that have been opened for Accessory Jane. I’m excited to see where this year takes us. One thing I can tell you for sure though is you can expect to see more eye catching, one of a kind jewelry designs from bridal to boho chic, and as for the blog & social media, more speaking opportunities! :) 

We are so thankful to have found Mommy Mailbox! What a great group of incredible women! Thank you for this time to allow me to share a little about my heart!

Follow Liz’s journey on Instagram at @AccessoryJane and on at