Celebrate by Kate

by Ainsley Anderson

When my Mommy Mailbox arrived this month, my daughter was totally taken by the Celebrate by Kate confetti.  Confetti... so simple, but a total luxury at our house.  Deep down I wanted to save it for our next party, but she begged and begged.  So why not have a little fun?  We made our weekly tea party a little more special, stuffed some in our Valentines, made a festive garland and took some belated birthday photos she actually smiled through.

#celebratebykate #mommymailbox
#celebratebykate #mommymailbox
#celebratebykate #mommymailbox
#celebratebykate #mommymailbox
#celebratebykate #mommymailbox
#celebratebykate #mommymailbox

As a mom I always try to have cute party supplies on hand for last minute celebrations, its an easy way to make life fun.  So obviously I'm swooning over the Celebrate by Kate shop in Madeira, Ohio.  Pretty sure pink + gold is my love language. 

#mommymailbox #celebratebykate