MOMENTS WITH MOMS: Miriam Gin from SimplyxClassic

Miriam Gin’s style is summed up in the name of her blog: SimplyxClassic. We’ve been swooning over the peeks she’s been sharing of her new home in Orange County and she was kind enough to share some of her inspiration on our Pinterest boards here. Read more about Miriam and follow us on Pinterest to see her picks for keeping her home grown up but still kid-friendly for baby Rylie.

Miriam Gin
Miriam Gin
Miriam Gin

Tell me about the moment you found out you were pregnant.

It's like it was yesterday. The feeling was very surreal. My husband and I were both stunned at the results because we weren't expecting to get pregnant so quickly.  Of course, once the shock wore down we were thrilled and overjoyed with the news.

Why did you decide to be a mom?

My husband and I were really excited to start a family together and I couldn't wait to have a baby! I always wanted a little baby girl to dress up and play with but I was not prepared to be a mom and sometimes I'm still in shock that I am one. I learned that having a baby and being a mom are two separate things.  I don't think I really decided to be a mom, I was just so excited to have a baby that when Rylie finally came into the world I freaked out a little because I had no idea what I was doing as a parent. So I guess I'm still learning how to be a mom. 

What is the best part about being your daughter's mom?

It truly is a gift and a blessing to be Rylie's mom. I love watching her grow up. It's amazing how quickly she is able to process and learn things on her own.  Witnessing her growth brings me so much pleasure and joy as a mom. But the best part for me is to be able to show her my weaknesses. Saying, "I'm sorry, Mommy had a bad attitude today," to a toddler is very humbling but I want her to know that I also have days when I’m tired and cranky and I too have to apologize to her. Though she is still too young to understand why I am apologizing and seeking her forgiveness, I know one day she will understand we can help each other to be better people. 

You have such a clean, pretty esthetic. How would you describe your style?

My style is pretty casual but with a twist in the details.  When I’m getting dressed, it’s a "less is more but add a little sparkle" philosophy. Sometimes that sparkle is a statement necklace, a colorful scarf or a beautiful designer handbag. Whatever the sparkle is, I try to play down my other pieces to let that one thing shine. 

How has your style changed since becoming a mom?

I still dress casual but my style has definitely become more laid-back and user friendly. If I can't move around in it comfortably, it's not for me.  Heels and I are no longer friends; we have gone our separate ways. I hope one day some big name designer with invent the perfect pair of gorgeous strappy heels that you can run a marathon in! I absolutely cannot wear my Valentino pumps and chase after my toddler.

You recently moved into your new home. What are some of your favorite items in them and where are they from? 

I see so many inspirational photos of homes that are splashed with colors and patterns all mixed together and I try to bring that into my home. Somehow at the end of the day, I always go back to what I'm most familiar and comfortable with - all white.  My home decor is set up exactly like the way I dress, very simple with little pops of patterns, colors and luxury.  For home decor, my absolute favorite store for inspiration is Zgallerie but I find that I purchase the most items at TJMaxx Homegoods.  I enjoy taking wallet-friendly items and turning them into something that looks like it could be from a fancy boutique with the magic of spray paint!