Moments With Moms: Beverley Mitchell

Our November curator, Beverley Mitchell, has a face that almost everyone recognizes. She was everyone's favorite character on 7th Heaven, Lucy! These days Beverley is all grown up and a mom herself! She just wrapped up shooting a new show for POP TV called Hollywood Darlings with Jodie Sweetin from Full House and Christine Lakin from Step-by-Step and has a blog called Growing up Hollywood. Beverley was sweet enough to take time out from her busy schedule to talk with us about life as a busy mom and wife!


Tell us a bit about you, personally and professionally. 

Well I would describe myself as pretty normal! I am a wife and a mother and sometimes I act! I love my job but I love my family even more! I love to organize, to decorate, and I love to plan! 

Besides your website, tell us any exciting new projects we should look forward to from you.

I am currently working on a show for POPTv called Hollywood Darlings! It also includes Jodie Sweetin and Christine Lakin! It's s super fun comedy about our lives and all the craziness that follows us in this life we live.

You talk on your blog about how Hollywood was a part of your life from a young age. How are you raising your kids the same and differently than how you were raised?

I grew up on set! I was always either working or auditioning! It's all I knew! If our kids were interested in acting I wouldn't be opposed to it but I recognize that it is tough and not everyone is made for this! We will nurture and support whatever they want to do or be! 

Favorite place to shop, eat and visit with the kids?

I do most of my shopping online! Favorite place to eat is actually at home, it's easier with the kids!

Motherhood is amazing but exhausting right? What do you do for yourself to stay balanced?

I work! Haha! I haven't been good at taking time for myself! The only time I am away from the kids is when I work but I have hopes for a manicure/pedicure/facial/massage in the immediate future!

In three words, motherhood is…

Best Job Ever!